100% extra virgin olive oil
All natural, no artificial colors or additives
Product description
Juice from the olive, in which all the biological properties of the fruit are preserved, including vitamins and antioxidants, whose acidity may be less than or equal to 0.5 gr. per 100 gr. The main nutritional characteristics of this oil lie in its high oleic acid content and in the fact that the ratio of oleic acid to oleic acid in the oil is very high.and in that the ratio between linoleic acid and alpha -tocopherol (vitamin E) make it a very nutritionally balanced food.

Preservation and shelf life:
Preserve from light & heat.
Shelf life 2 years
Nutritional Information
Carbohydrate (g) 0
Fiber (g) 0
Protein (g) 0,1
Total fat (g):99,9
Cholesterol: 0
Calculated Energy 900 Kcal/100g.